“Reunions” – October 16, 2017

To fellowship with one another is part of human nature. We always want to connect with other people. This is why “get-togethers” and “reunions” would always be part of our life. Last September 30, 2017, hundreds of alumni of Central Philippine University gathered at the campus to celebrate the 112 years of existence of our alma mater. This coming October 20-21, 2017 will be another reunion of Centralians. This time, it will be the Grand Reunion of the College of Agriculture, now known as CARES – College of Agriculture, Resources and Environmental Sciences. Next year on July 5-8, 2018 there will be a CPU Global Reunion to be held in Crowne Plaza, Chicago. On December, there will be a lot of family reunions. It is a reality that we want to commune with one another, and renew our friendships.

But more than seeing one another and talking about our lives, what does the Bible tells us to do more?

First, more than “reunions”, we need to be united in making this world a better place.

Psalm 133:1 says, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Yes, as believers of the Lord Jesus Christ we must show to the world that we are united in carrying out the mission that God has given us. Our lives must exemplify what it means to be a Christian.

Second, more than “reunions”, we must help one another.

Galatians 6:2 reminds us to “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” The law of Jesus Christ is to love others as we love ourselves. This is difficult because by nature we are selfish. But by God’s grace, we can do it. We can “walk the extra mile”; we can “love our enemies”; we can “pray for those who persecute us”; we can “turn the other cheek.”

Third, more than “reunions”, we should encourage one another to do the will of God.

Rather than thinking of how to manipulate or exploit others, Hebrews 10:24 says, “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.” This should be how we should start our day every day – think of ways and ideas that can benefit others, and can encourage people to be passionate in doing what is good and loving.

May our reunions be more than reunions! May it be a time to rekindle our commitment to be united, to help in any way that we can, and to encourage one another to fulfill the purpose of God in our lives.

Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on
October 16, 2017

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