“The Heart of a Servant Leader” – Seeds of Faith – January 22, 2024

The Convention Baptist Ministers Association National Assembly in Sibalom, Antique is on January 23-25, 2024 with the Theme: “The Heart of a Servant Leader,” drawing inspiration from Psalm 78:72, 1 Peter 5:1-11, and John 13.

Here are three things to remember as a Servant Leader:

First, work like a shepherd.

In contemplating the shepherd’s heart described in Psalm 78:72, we find a profound calling to emulate David’s example. As servant leaders, we are entrusted with a flock, and like a shepherd, our role extends beyond mere guidance—it involves knowing, caring, and tending to the well-being of each member of our congregation.

Let us draw inspiration from David’s devotion to his flock, understanding that our leadership is not a position of power but a sacred responsibility to nurture and lead with a shepherd’s heart.

Second, be a humble leader in spite of your credentials.

1 Peter 5:1-11 presents a reminder of the indispensable quality of humility in leadership. Peter could have been boastful because he was with Jesus Christ. But as an eyewitness to the teachings of Jesus, he urges us to lead with humility, recognizing that we are co-laborers with Christ.

Humility allows us to bridge the gap between leaders and the led, fostering an environment where the grace of God can flow freely. It is a posture that acknowledges our need for divine guidance and emphasizes our role as humble stewards of the gifts and responsibilities entrusted to us.

Third, follow the example of Jesus, the ultimate model of a Servant Leader.

John 13 unveils a transformative moment when Jesus, the Son of God, took on the role of a humble servant, washing the feet of His disciples. This powerful imagery illustrates the essence of servant leadership—selfless service driven by love.

As we reflect on this mandate, let us internalize the call to serve one another with genuine love and compassion. By embracing the servant’s heart exemplified by Christ, we not only lead with authenticity but also create a community where love is the guiding force, and our service becomes a reflection of the profound impact of Jesus Christ in our lives.

May God bless us all!


Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on
Director, Office of Communications