“Our duty to our children” -Seeds of Faith – April 16, 2018

Dear friends,
Summer is usually the time of the year that most churches would hold their VCS – Vacation Church School or DVBS – Daily Vacation Bible School.  Psychology affirms that the childhood is the most influential aspect in the development of a person’s outlook and attitude.
What then is the challenge to the church of today?
First, the church must recognize that the formative years are crucial to the spiritual maturity of an individual. As Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them…”
Second, the church must not be like the disciples who rebuked those who brought the children to Jesus, and also hindered the children in coming to Jesus. This means that our church must find ways to have an environment that is welcoming to children. We must give a priority to programs that nurture the spiritual life of kids.
Third, the church must continually pray for the children. We must be like Jesus who placed his hand to the children and prayed for them. We should find the time to pray for our children every day, and let them know that you are praying for them.
Fourth, the church must not only teach the children but also learn from them. When Jesus said that “the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these — the children”, He is telling us to learn from them. Adults should remember that children are more forgiving, more fun-loving, more open to new lessons, more trusting, more loving, and a lot more. We must learn from them.
May our churches give priority to the next generation.
Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on
Office of Communications
Central Philippine University

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