“The Challenge that Jesus left us” – Seeds of Faith – May 7, 2018

Dear friends,
Most of us have heard of SPA or Special Power of Attorney. It is defined as a written authorization that grants another person the authority to act on your behalf on specific or limited circumstances. Christians should also remember that Jesus gave His disciples an oral authorization which was later written in Matthew 28:18-20.
Jesus specified 3 things that His disciples should do. And as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are authorized by Jesus to do these things. (By the way, the celebration of the Ascension Day of Jesus for this year is on May 10, 2018 – the 40th day after the Resurrection Sunday.)
The 3 specific things that Jesus commanded us to do can be found in what we call the Great Commission. As Christians, we need to be reminded that we are authorized by Jesus to:
First, go and make disciples of Jesus in all nations.
Have we made an effort to engage ourselves in discipling others? Let us remember that we have heard the Gospel because somebody discipled somebody. We must individually continue the cycle of discipleship.
Second, baptize disciples in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Have we led somebody to be baptized? Baptism is an act that we show to the public that we have followed Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. Paul explains in Romans 6:4 what baptism means. Symbolically, when we were immersed in the water, we are buried with Jesus. And when we emerged from the water, we are raised with Jesus. Our baptism reminds us that in Jesus we have a new life.
Third, teach the disciples to obey everything that Jesus commanded us.
Are we teaching others about Jesus? This is not just teaching for knowledge sake, but teaching that should lead into obedience.
Are we ready to act on the authorization that Jesus gave us? If we doubt the command of Jesus, then let us just remember who commanded us to do it. Who can claim that He has all the authority in this universe? Only God can do that. This means that Jesus who gives us this command is God. Because of this, we should be emboldened to go and spread the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ.
Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on
Office of Communications
Central Philippine University

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