“Be passionate! Be loving!” – Seeds of Faith – January 27, 2020

Earlier today I woke up with a tragic news that seems so unreal. I was actually telling myself that it is just fake news. But then news agencies reported. It is real. Kobe Bryant, an athlete who has influenced me a lot during my varsity years, and later as a coach and trainer, has passed away due to a helicopter crash. What makes it even sadder is that his daughter, Gigi, died with him along with 7 others.

Indeed James 4:14 is very true. It says, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” What can we learn from this?

First, we must be passionate in everything that we do. We do not know if we will still be here tomorrow. So, we must give our all in fulfilling our responsibilities.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:16 that we should let our light shine to all people. Jesus is referring that our faith should produce good works, thus, giving glory to God. Are we shining examples in our workplace? In the community? In our family?

Second, we should know what is important and give it our priority. At the end of the day, we must ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. Is it for what or for whom?

Jesus was asked about what is important also. He answered the question of what should be given the first priority. Matthew, Mark, and Luke recorded the answer of Jesus. In Mark 12:30-31 Jesus said that our first priority is to love God with everything that we have, and we should love others as we love ourselves.

So in every action that we make we must ask ourselves, “Is it loving to God? Is it loving to others? Is it loving to myself?” If we have answered truthfully that it is indeed loving, then let’s do it.

All our lives will come to an end. Be passionate! Be loving!

Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on