“Lessons from Exemplary Mothers” – Seeds of Faith – May 15, 2023

Mother’s Day is celebrated around the world in honor of mothers.
Motherhood is a challenging yet a rewarding journey. It is a privilege to be a mother, and it is a responsibility that should not be taken for granted. Modern mothers should learn from  mothers in the Bible.
In the Bible, there are a lot of exemplary mothers. These women were strong, courageous, and faithful, and they raised their children to become great leaders, prophets, and kings.
Here are three mothers:
First, have the perseverance of Sarah.
Sarah was the wife of Abraham, and she was barren for many years. She never gave up hope, and she eventually gave birth to Isaac, who would become the father of the Jewish people.
Although she doubted the message of God at first, she later on became a model of faith and perseverance. Sarah teaches us that we should never give up on the promises of God, no matter how impossible they may seem.
Second, be prayerful like Hannah.
Hannah was also barren, and she was so desperate for a child that she prayed to God day and night. Finally, God answered her prayers, and she gave birth to Samuel, who would become one of the greatest prophets in Israel. Samuel would be the one to annoint King Saul, and later King David.
Hannah was a model of prayer and hope, and she teaches us that we should never lose faith in God, no matter how difficult our circumstances may be.
Third, trust in God like Mary.
Mary was the earthly mother of Jesus. Mary was a young girl when she was chosen by God. She was a virgin, and she was terrified at first of how it could happen abd probably what people would think of her. But she trusted in God, and she gave birth to Jesus, who would be the Savior of the world.
Mary is a model of trust and obedience. She teaches us that we should always be willing to follow God’s will, no matter what the cost.
These women were strong, courageous, and faithful, and they raised their children to be great examples. They teach us that mothers have a great role in our society.
Happy Mother’s Day!
May God bless us all!
Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on
Director, Office of Communications
Central Philippine University