“Submit your plans to God” -Seeds of Faith – July 31, 2022

The policy makers of Central Philippine University recently approved the 5-year Strategic Plan. This plan is now being cascaded to the respective colleges and departments of the university.
The Bible teaches us that planning is important. In Proverbs 16:3, we read, “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” This verse tells us that we should commit our plans to God, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do any planning ourselves.
Here are three points about planning:
First, planning helps us to achieve our goals.
When we have a plan, we are more likely to achieve our goals. This is because planning helps us to focus our efforts and to stay on track.
Proverbs 16:9 says, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” This verse tells us that we need to plan but more importantly, we submit that plan to God.
Second, planning helps us to avoid problems.
Planning can also help us to avoid problems. This is because planning allows us to think ahead and to anticipate potential problems.
Proverbs 15:22 says, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” This verse is a reminder for us to discuss our plans with others and ask the counsel of wise people because it will help us prepare for any eventualities.
Third, planning helps us to be more flexible.
Planning does not mean that we have to be rigid. Things do not always go according to plan, so we need to be flexible enough to adapt our plans when necessary.
Proverbs 21:5 says, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” This verse is telling us that if we are hasty with our planning session, it will lead to an unfavorable outcome.
So, planning is important for success. It helps us to achieve our goals, avoid problems, and be more flexible.
Of course, we know that God has the last say. God is the one who ultimately controls our lives. But that does not mean we should not plan. In fact, planning is a way of showing our faith in God.
When we plan, we are saying that we believe God will help us to achieve our goals. We are also saying that we are willing to work hard to make our plans a reality.
So, let us not be afraid to plan. Let us commit our plans to God and then work hard to make them a reality.
May God bless us all!
Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on
Director, Office of Communications
Central Philippine University