“Withdraw and reflect” – Seeds of Faith – May 29 2023

Living in Hong Kong is like joining a 100-meter dash competition. Everything seems to be fast-paced like running to board the MTR or the bus and then running again to catch the next train in the interchange. Sometimes you cannot catch your breath anymore because you are off to another activity.

In Luke 5:16, Jesus has given us an example to pause the fast-paced life and to have time to be alone with yourself and God. The verse says, “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

What can we learn from this verse?

First, develop the spiritual discipline solitude and prayer.

Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray, showing the importance of setting aside time for personal reflection and communication with God. It is oftentimes scary to be alone with yourself and God. You cannot run away from God and from yourself. This is the moment that you need get in touch with God and also face your personal struggles.

Second, be intentional in your quite time and reflection.

Jesus intentionally sought out lonely places to commune with God. Crowds were coming after Him and they wanted to hear Him speak and heal their diseases. Amidst these activities, Jesus intentionally slipped away.

It is probably hard to find a quite time today because of the many activities that we have. But Jesus has taught us to be intentional in reading the Bible, reflect and pray. If you can intentionally put in your calendar the activities for the day or the week or the month, then be intentional as well in putting a schedule for your time of reflection.

Third, balance your ministry and personal time.

The example of withdrawing to pray also highlights the importance of balancing ministry and personal time. Despite the demands of His ministry, he recognized the need to recharge and refocus through prayer and reflection.

This can be difficult to do but taking a break will actually give us the energy to do the ministry that God has entrusted to us.

May God bless us all!


Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on
Director, Office of Communications