“A second chance” – Seeds of Faith – March 2, 2020
Have you ever been given a second chance? All of us have probably been given another chance in something or by someone. We have felt relief and committed ourselves to…
Have you ever been given a second chance? All of us have probably been given another chance in something or by someone. We have felt relief and committed ourselves to…
Have you come to a point in your life that you prayed, "Lord, please make a new beginning in my life"? If yes, then please be assured that God hears…
Have you ever been uncomfortable with doing something because it is your first time? When was the last time that you got out of your comfort zone? The reality is…
As Centralians conclude the CPU Grand Alumni Homecoming from February 4-9, 2020, let me share with you the reflection that I delivered during the Fellowship Brunch of Alumni Chapter Presidents…
It is a reality in life that we will surely encounter pain. Be it through death, persecution, bullying, losing a game, a breakup or separation. Let us look at the…
Earlier today I woke up with a tragic news that seems so unreal. I was actually telling myself that it is just fake news. But then news agencies reported. It…
Have you tried reading Genesis 1 together with John 1? If you have not yet done that, then it is high time that you should do it. These two chapters…
One of the top New Year Resolutions is a promise to grow in their Christian faith. Perhaps, we can learn from a man who had an unwavering faith - the…
January 6, 2020, is the celebration of Epiphany or the time that Jesus was revealed to the Gentiles, first to the Wise Men or the Magi or for some the…
Dear friends, We celebrate the New Year on the eve of December 31 following the Gregorian Calendar that started in 1582. Previous to that the Julian Calendar was used.…