“How to be a good neighbor?” – Seeds of Faith – June 27, 2022

Let us learn from the life of Elijah and who were the persons who became good neighbors to him.

The first person who was a good neighbor to Elijah was the widow of Zarephath.

She is telling us a lesson to open ourselves to those who are in need.

There was famine in the land. The widow of Zarephath and her son were going to have their last meal. But they still opened their door to Elijah.

What was the result? God provided for their needs. The flour and oil were always there to provide them with their daily food.

The second person who was a good neighbor to Elijah was Obadiah. He was the administrator of King Ahab and Queen Jezebe who were evil rulers.

Obadiah is teaching us help others even if we are in a difficult situation.

Obadiah was in a very difficult situation. What he did was dangerous. When Jezebel was killing the prophets, Obadiah hid 100 prophets — 50 prophets per cave. He provided them food and water.

And then, he helped Elijah. He was the one who arranged the showdown at Mt. Carmel against the priests of Baal.

The third neighbor who was good to Elijah is of course Elisha. Elisha became the partner of Elijah.

Elisha is challenging us to be a partner to others in helping people.

It was very difficult to help a prophet during that time. He could have said no. When he said yes, God worked miraculously in and through the life of Elisha. The famous story is perhaps how he helped Naaman be cured from leprosy. In 1 Kings 5 we can see how he commanded the General to dipped in the Jordan River 7 times. After which, he was healed.

Helping others is difficult but God will surely bless those who are good neighbors to others.

May God bless us all!


Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on
Director, Office of Communications
Central Philippine University