- Reduced Inequalities
- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Affordable and Clean Energy
- Clean Water and Sanitation
- Gender Equality
- Quality Education
- Good Health and Well-being
- Zero Hunger
- No Poverty
- Let us stay connected with Jesus
- Let us stay connected with Jesus
- Standing firm in faith – Lessons from Peter and John before the Sanhedrin
- The Significance of the Day of Pentecost
- The last mandate of Jesus Christ
- The Ascension of Jesus Christ
- The restorative power of Jesus’ invitation to breakfast
- Jesus, the Passover Lamb
- Inviting Jesus into our walk and homes
- The Resurrection: Turning Point of History
- Purim and Holy Week: Celebrating Deliverance and Redemption
- The journey of Jesus to Jerusalem
- Jesus: a revolutionary advocate for women
- The power of the blood of Jesus
- Love and Justice are intertwined
- The radical command to love your enemies
- The essence of love
- Embrace God’s Word
- The Heart of a Servant Leader
- Understanding rituals in the light of God’s Word
- Celebrating the Baptist Heritage in Nation Building
- New beginnings in Jesus Christ
- The names of our Savior
- Hope in the midst of martyrdom
- Christmas is the center of time
- The Fulfilled Promises of Christmas
- Thanking God for the Body of Christ
- Be grateful to God
- Give thanks
- Lessons from travel
- Be involved
- The role of Israel in fulfilling the end times
- What are birthdays for?
- Peace anchored on justice
- Christian leadership
- Pilgrimage to Israel
- Joppa, a place of divine encounters
- Jesus and Yom Kippur
- Rely on God’s strength
- Live life like Stephen
- Align our will with God’s will
- Trusting God’s plan
- Submit your plans to God
- Always PRAY
- Learning from the rains and storms
- God is faithful
- The Challenges that Rev. Alubog have left us
- Jesus and friendship
- ABBA Father
- We are FREE
- STUDY the Word of God
- Withdraw and reflect
- Be part of the BODY of Christ
- Lessons from Exemplary Mothers
- Doubt turns into faith
- Happy Labor Day!
- Learning from the story of the miraculous catch
- The Challenge of the Great Commission
- The Meaning of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Lessons from the Triumphal Entry of Jesus
- The Women Disciples of Jesus
- Be blessed
- The empty tomb
- Lessons from the story of Jonah
- Love one another
- The radical demand of Jesus
- READ the Bible
- Jesus heals
- New life in Jesus Christ
- The meaning of baptism
- Jesus is our JOY
- Some things to remember about the BIRTH of Jesus
- God is with us
- Some important things to remember this Christmas
- Share the story of Jesus
- Thank you, Lord!
- Thanks and Giving
- Thanking God because of your life
- Do not run away from God
- Can our soul still transfer from one place to another?
- Awakened
- Waiting patiently
- How the Bible can make you successful
- Send Me
- Happy Rosh Hashanah!
- What is heaven like?
- Jesus cares
- Let us not waste our lives
- God’s assurance of salvation
- Learning from the Proverbs
- Lessons from Adam and Eve
- Do not fear death
- God’s address to His creation
- Commence your new life
- What music can teach us
- Be the salt and light
- How to be a good neighbor?
- Lessons from the Shema for fathers
- A different kind of freedom
- The challenge of the Ascension of Jesus
- Be involved
- How Christians should face the government
- The mission continues
- Faith, Hope and Love
- Pray for, and love our country
- Jesus will accompany you
- Righteous anger
- Give your best to Jesus
- Platform of Government
- Padayon…Patuloy…Keep Going
- Speak out
- A guide in choosing leaders
- The Missing Rib Principle
- Leadership criteria
- The World Need Godly Parents
- Know what is essential
- Feel the presence of God
- Starting the New Year RIGHT
- Appreciate your family
- Lessons from Hopevale
- What is your gift to Jesus?
- Lessons from the Shepherds, and the Wise Men
- The Festival of Lights
- Be thankful
- Our limited time
- Find something to thank God
- Remember them
- God may be silent but He is there
- Let us learn from Jesus
- Lessons from the Day of Atonement
- Make use of your time for God’s glory
- God’s grace is sufficient
- How God helped a struggling hero
- Learn and live out
- Be ready
- Be a responsible steward
- Alpha and Omega
- Let us persevere until the end
- God will turn our sadness into joy
- Let us follow Jesus
- Let us take care of our bodies
- A conversation with God
- A struggling father
- Finish the race
- Be a friend
- Be grateful
- How do you spend your time?
- Join in the cause of Jesus
- Trust God’s timing
- Endure
- Let us be ready
- Write for God’s glory
- Commitment to read the Bible
- LIFE in Jesus Christ
- Lessons from the Cleansing of the Temple
- Jesus hears us
- Thrive
- Let us uplift the plight of women
- The Coming Again of Jesus
- Let the Bible speak in its own way
- We are cleansed by the blood of Jesus
- On death and legacy
- Celebrating the National Bible Day
- Is God in your plans?
- Have faith
- Let us have faith in God
- Let us protect the innocents
- The Christmas Star
- The significance of the swaddling clothes
- Immanuel
- Lay down your life
- Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?
- The teachings of Daniel about prayer
- Thank God in spite of difficulties
- Be prepared for eternity
- Things to remember during typhoon season
- You Only Live Once
- Overcome the adversities
- Repent
- Read, write and pray
- The Transformation starts in our Homes
- Thank God for plants
- Pray from the heart
- How to spend our TIME
- Turnover your worries to God
- Heed the warning
- Faith, hope and love
- Let us live noble lives
- We need a leader like David
- Let us fight evil
- The importance of the Bible
- When God is trying to do something
- Healing comes from God
- A Reminder to Fathers
- Freedom in Christ
- A teaching principle from Jesus
- Be Empowered
- The Challenges of the Ascension of Jesus
- Focus on Jesus
- The Parable of the Lost Sheep
- The Parable of the Ten Virgins
- The Parable of the Growing Seed
- Happy Resurrection Sunday
- Judgment Day
- Return to the Lord
- Vent out and still trust God
- Lessons from COVID-19
- Let us tell the stories of women
- Lessons from Sharon from the book: Sharon: A Passionate Rose After the Heart of God, 2016 edited by Liza B. Lamis
- A second chance
- Let us not limit ourselves
- Jesus is the author of new beginnings
- Centralite
- Turn a pain into a blessing
- Be passionate! Be loving!
- Apart from Jesus we are nothing
- The Faith of Stephen
- Valuable lessons from the Wise Men
- How to celebrate the New Year?
- A Message from Mary
- The Genealogy of Jesus
- Christmas
- The picture of Psalm 23
- Prayer at the Garden of Gethsemane
- Share the Word of God
- The Invitation
- The Return
- Thank you, Lord, for being trustworthy
- We are all missionaries
- Central Spirit Leading Us Onward as One
- The CALL of God
- How to treat others?
- Be involved
- How should I give?
- Living the fruit of the Spirit
- Our God is trustworthy
- A tribute to Rose
- We can depend on God
- SING to Lord and for the Lord
- SONA, and the state of the tribes of Israel before
- Praise and Worship Part 2
- Praise and Worship Part 1
- Let us pray for strength to hurdle the new challenges Part 2
- Let us pray for strength to hurdle the new challenges Part 1
- Make a choice
- Day of Pentecost
- Giving a Blessing
- Wait
- Follow the rules
- Our hope
- Victory over Satan
- A reflection on earthquakes
- The power of the Risen Christ
- Hosanna!
- The Gospel of Salvation
- God answers prayers
- Pray for more opportunities to serve the Lord
- Have a break or else you will break
- Lessons from the Sermon on the Mount
- God uplifts the neglected
- Reconciliation
- Thrive
- God’s criteria on choosing a leader
- Where should I put my hope?
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ
- The sin of Babel
- A fruit that last
- Do not share fake news
- New life in Jesus Christ
- Bow down to Jesus alone
- Jesus, our Shepherd
- Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem? – Part 2
- Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem? – Part 1
- Thank you Lord for setting us free
- Thank God for archaeological discoveries
- The fulfillment of prophecies – a reason to thank God
- The meaningful earthquake
- Lessons from the Sea of Galilee
- Lead like Jesus
- Declaring God’s faithfulness
- The missionary spirit
- Lessons from the past
- Be an Asset
- Lessons from a typhoon
- Happy GRANDparents Day
- Principles on Christian giving
- Be a HERO
- Mizpah
- Relentless
- Jesus, the Bread of Life
- Singing is forever
- Promises…
- Lessons from a typhoon
- ROCK-solid foundation
- Let us sing a new SONG to the Lord
- Meaning of Baptism
- An exemplary father
- Freedom
- God’s own timing
- Let us pray
- Launch into the deep
- Let us ELECT godly leaders
- The Challenge that Jesus left us
- The Authorization and the Promise
- A reminder to the GRADuates
- Our duty to our children
- CHECKpoint
- The POWER of the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
- PALM Sunday
- Be prepared
- How did Jesus treat women
- Let us love ourselves also
- The love of God
- Agape love
- The Super Blue Blood Moon
- Let us worship the Creator rather than the created things
- Word of God
- Be ready
- START it Right
- We have hope in spite of the storms
- Jesus is “Paskwa”
- When God is re-routing you
- The Shepherds and the birth of Jesus
- God uses events and people to accomplish His purpose
- Thank God for PAIN
- Giving thanks to God in spite of the difficult circumstances
- WHY give thanks
- Let us Remember
- Reunions
- ABC of living a life with a purpose
- Seeking out others
- Faith, Hope and Love
- Why do we share
- Challenge to Grandparents
- Christian Stewardship
- Point out the errors
- What Jesus died for
- Rooted
- Be overcomers
- The SONG of Jesus
- SONA of our faith
- Learn, unlearn and be always curious
- God is with us in the unknown of our lives
- The Magnificat
- The God of surprises
- Happy Fathers Day
- Freedom in Jesus Christ
- How to KNOW God deeper
- Be REST assured
- Be a road SIGN towards Jesus
- The faith of a nameless mother
- Commencement
- Lessons from the seaside
- The meaning of Christ’s resurrection for us
- Lessons from my grandfather
- Why must Jesus SUFFER
- Rest is essential
- Our children are watching us
- Facing the FUTURE
- Life in 3D
- Jesus will always be there for us
- How should we love others?
- Love God with all our being
- The importance of genealogies
- The Cross
- Unleashing the Minister´s Full Potential
- Learn from the storms in your life
- Commit to change for the better
- The Christmas STAR
- May Jesus be born in our hearts
- Check your insecurities and pride
- Without the Light there is no life
- Thanksgiving Reasons and Ways
- Continue
- Walking with a purpose
- Remembering how to give thanks
- The Virtue of Longsuffering in our Relationships
- Couples Day
- Life Lessons from My Mother
- The Legacy of Simon from Cyrene
- Walk with God
- Plans for the New Year
- An Account from One of the Wise Men
- Christmas is a Time of Hope
- How Could God Let This Happen?
- Take a Rest
- How to be Successful?
- Lessons from CPU
- Miracle of Sharing
- Grandparents as APOstles
- University Day
- Living Sacrifice
- The Promise of God+s Presence
- The Promise of Forgiveness
- The John the Baptist
- Discipleship
- The People Power Revolution
- Women
- Repentance
- The Right Place to Work
- The Entranceof Jesus to our Lives
- It is Finished
- Lets Play
- Laboy Day Reflection
- Doing Theological Reflection
- Paragon of Excellence
- Johnny V. Gumban Sunday
- A Contemplative Life
- Goods News of Great Joy
- Being Up in a Down World
- Remembering Dr. Rex D. Drilon
- Cross
- The Promise of Victory over Temptation
- Metamorphosis